Simplest possible splinemesh is deformed

There seems to be some deformation going on in the absolutely basic usage of a SplineMesh.
If I have a SplineMesh with same length as the model, then I expect it to look exactly like the original model.
See the comparison of a SplineMesh (top) and a StaticMeshActor (bottom) and how it seems to be “Spherized” in Photoshop terms.

Hi Wiggan,

Do you see this with other test assets from the starter content?

How are you adding the spline mesh to the blueprint? Please include screenshots or a test project.


So I made a little discovery. It seems to be related to the length of the tangent vectors. Here are two images showing how it effects the topology:

Notice how the length is 100 in the first image, and 900 in the second one.

This behavior is expected. Adjusting the tangent can drastically alter how the mesh is stretched/shrinked over the start and end position.

Here is some more info on Blueprint splines. We also have an example in our Content Example project that is under the Learn tab in the Launcher.