Box component only update when my character is moving

Hello guys.

I attach a box component to my character, im trying to make the box moves it’s position when i press an attack button. The problem is, the box only change it’s position when my character is moving no when i press the button. I don’t know if is a render problem because the transform values change but the box is not rendering it’s new position until my character is moving.

the box is attached to rootcomponent.

Here is my code:


SwingCollisionR = CreateDefaultSubobject<UBoxComponent>(TEXT("Trigger Component"));
SwingCollisionR->bGenerateOverlapEvents = true;
SwingCollisionR->OnComponentBeginOverlap.AddDynamic(this, &AExa2Character::Hit);

Here is where i change the box position

    void AExa2Character::Swing()
      if (!bhit)

           	SwingCollisionR->RelativeLocation.X = SwingCollisionR->RelativeLocation.X + fAttackRange;
      bhit = true;


My Tick Function

       void AExa2Character::Tick(float deltatime)

           if (bhit)
	         fHitDurationTime -= deltatime;		
	         if (fHitDurationTime <= 0)
	                 bhit = false;
		         fHitDurationTime = fHitDurationTimeDefault;
		         FVector ActorLocation = GetActorLocation();
		         SwingCollisionR->RelativeLocation.X = SwingCollisionR->RelativeLocation.X - fAttackRange;


Yep, it’s crazy annoying. You have to move an object ever so slightly in order for collision or animating in tick to work. The frustrating thing is that the farther away the object is from the world 0,0,0 spot the more you have to raise the speed of the object in order for things to be activated like collision(though that could be a timing issue)
… I have a bad feeling that it’s a “feature” and not a bug. Wish there was something to be done about it besides moving an object constantly :confused:

Thank you for the information mister/miss.