Angular damping stutter bug

When using a high angular damping value it refuses to rotate at all, when making it lower so that it moves again it starts to randomly stutter. when making the value again lower it rotates fast, too fast.

The sphere object is not colliding, mass and size are nothing out of the ordinary. I’m using add torque on it. With a angular damping value of 32 it stutters (speed would be good). With a value of 35 it doesn’t rotate at all. With a value of 30 it rotates really fast. Max Angular Velocity is 88888, the add torgue vector length is ca 4800.

I could not reproduce your problem, but I’m on version 4.12.5. Do you have “acceleration change” activated on the add torque node? Ony thing I could imagine is that if it is activated that the vector length of 4800 units is very high then. So that the sphere spins with the framerate you get on the scene and doesn’t appear to spin.

btw. if you are able to reproduce this. The best way would be to write down every step to get to the bug and then post it in the “bug report” section of the answerhub. right now this is in the “Using UE4” section and won’t get the needed attention.

Can’t remember what I did there, has been some months. Thx for trying though.