Overlap event firing on one object but not other

I have two objects: the character and a intractable object. The character has a capsule specifically for checking overlap with intractable objects. The intractable object is made of a mesh and a sphere collision volume. Both objects are created from blueprints that inherit from their respective C++ class.

This is a picture of the settings on the character’s capsule checker:

Here is the collision settings on the intractable object:

Here is a code snippet of the creation of the volume and setting up the begin and end events for the checker volume:

	InteractableCapsule = ObjectInitializer.CreateDefaultSubobject<UCapsuleComponent>(this, TEXT("Interactable Collision"));
	InteractableCapsule->SetRelativeScale3D(FVector(2.1f, 2.1f, 2.1f));

	InteractableCapsule->OnComponentBeginOverlap.AddDynamic(this, &ADefaultCharacter::OnCapsuleOverlapBegin);
	InteractableCapsule->OnComponentEndOverlap.AddDynamic(this, &ADefaultCharacter::OnCapsuleOverlapEnd);

I can confirm the event is firing on the intractable object as it prints the test string I’ve added. On the character side, I have not been able to get any response, whatsoever. I am at a total loss for why this is the case.

Possibly related and also equally maddening: when placing the intractable in the level, the collision sphere snaps to a completely separate static mesh in the level, regardless of the collision being attached to the root of the object (the mesh). Just in case, here’s a picture of that, as well- the one I’ve correct is on the left, the newly placed on is on the right, with the sphere collision poking out of the ground:

Any thoughts on why this would happen? There are so few steps, I have no idea where I could have possible messed this one up.

Anyone? I’m totally stumped as to why this would be happening.

Once again, something simple:

The delegate functions need to be declared with UFUNCTION in order to work. That was it.
Hopefully this will save anyone else who has the same problem hours of stupid, senseless headache.