Pawn falls through floor when gravity is enabled, despite having a capsule collider

So I’ve been trying for a long while to get gravity to work with collisions. I want my pawn to fall to the ground and collide with it, but right now the pawn just falls straight through.

I’m using the standard third person template skeleton mesh with the default animations applied.

Here’s what the settings look like for gravity and collisions on the mesh:

Settings for collisions and gravity on the capsule collider:

So what’s going on here? I know there’s nothing wrong with the mesh or mesh settings because the player character uses the exact same mesh.

Is this something unique to pawns only?

Have you set the floor to BlockAllDynamic or BlockAll in the collision setting? And has the floor a collider?

Yes, the floor has BlockAll set and has a collider (otherwise my player character would fall through the floor).

This is only affecting my pawn.

I tested it on my side a bit and i cant tell why it does not work on your side. The only thing i can think off, that you can try to set the collisonEnabled on the mesh and collider of the pawn to blockAll and test this. And disable simulate physics on the collider.