How to get the next level that is going to load?

Hi guys, I am trying to put a loading screen for my game using the Movie Player and it working so far. But i would like to have a different loading screen for each level. So i am hooking up to the PreLoadMap delegate in my Game Instance and i would need to get what level is going to be loaded.

What i have tried is using the WorldContext but since the current level hasn’t changed until the next level is loaded i tried to access the travel URL for the next Level but it doesn’t seem to contain anything. So is there like already available way to get the next level to be loaded before it is actually loaded or this would require some custom changes?

The key is to get new UWorld, not sure if it’s exist on loading but you might try to catch it with WorldAdded event:

And when you got UWorld you can get any data

Hey thanks but am I not doing the binding right because i doesn’t seem to get the event fired. Here’s the code i added:

void UMyGameInstance::Init()
  GEngine->OnWorldAdded().AddUObject(this, &UMyGameInstance::TestBind);
void UMyGameInstance::TestBind(UWorld* InWorld)
  //output something