Rama Vertex Snap Editor Plugin 4.11.0 Preview 6 Not Working

I’ve posted this on the Rama Blueprint section of the UE4 forums, but can’t seem to get any help, so I’ll try my luck here.

I’m having serious trouble getting the Vertex Snap Editor Plugin with the Rama VictoryPlugin.
I have just updated to the latest preview version 4.11.0 Preview 6

Step 1) I’ve downloaded the latest VictoryPlugin from link posted above - VictoryPlugin16

Step 2) Extracted it into the folder …\Epic Games\4.11\Engine\Plugins\Runtime\VictoryPlugin

Step 3) Started a new Project and made sure the Rama VictoryPlugin is turned on

Step 4) Downloaded the Vertex Snap Editor Plugin from A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Epic Developer Community Forums
Version 03:39, 22 December 2015

Step 5) Extracted it into the folder …\Epic Games\4.11\Engine\Plugins\Runtime\VictoryEdEngine

Step 6) Loaded up my project and ticked the VictoryEdEngine plugin on

Step 7) Added the code to projects DefaultEngine.ini file

Running the Project I get the error message


So I remove the code from the .ini file and I get this instead


If I click No I get this


and then it doesn’t load, just does nothing…
I’m at my end of trying things, I have no idea what I’m doing wrong?

I will close this off now as Rama has answered my question in the forums.
The current Vertex plugin does not support the build 4.11.6.
Hopefully once it leaves the preview build he will update it :slight_smile:

Oh, I have a quite similar problem with the build 4.10.4 (well, with the proper version of the plugin)
The UE crashes when I try to open the Editor, as the first picture of your post. I did everything you did, but it doesn’t work.

I would be very thankful if anybody could help!