UMG Gamepad nav buttons

How do you simulate hover state on buttons?

I’d like to navigate my Menu’s with controller. I can get the controller input, but that’s it. You can set the style of a button through blueprint, but I don’t see where to set the state the button is in.

The navigation section on the details for the button doesn’t seem to have any effect.

The UMG is incomplete if it doesn’t have a way to simulate, it means that everyone that needs gamepad support will make their own solution.

To set the hover event, I made a new class extending Button with a function. It doesn’t actually use the arguments so they can be null.

void USimButton::SimulationHover(bool newHover)
FPointerEvent ptrEvent;

if (newHover)
	MyButton->OnMouseEnter(NullGeometry, ptrEvent);
