Spawning destructible meshes at runtime in C++


I recently got normal static mesh actors spawning at runtime via c++ but now I want to be able to do the same using destructible meshes. I’ve created a destructible mesh from a cube, made sure it works how I want it, but when I try to spawn it in code unreal/visual studio doesn’t recognise UDestructibleMesh even though I have the necessary header file included. Has anyone done this before and can show me the way to go about this?


this works for me:

UWorld* const w = GetWorld();
ADestructibleActor* d = w->SpawnActor<ADestructibleActor>(destructible, spawnPosition, FRotator::ZeroRotator);

destructible is declared in header of the class so i can set it in the editor:

// Destructible actor used to control the asteroid flight
UPROPERTY(Category = "Asteroid Spawner", EditInstanceOnly)
TSubclassOf<class ADestructibleActor> destructible;

Thanks for the reply and for showing me your method. Question though, what if you’re just using a mesh you created and didn’t assign to anything like you seem to have done with the Asteroid Spawner? I just want to generate my created destructible mesh because it’s not in any sort of category if you understand what I mean.

Sorry…not understanding how what you’re trying to do is different from what I’ve done. I created a destructible mesh in the editor from an existing static mesh. Then, I place my asteroid spawner volume in the level and set the “destructible” to be that destructible version of the asteroid and spawn it with the code above.

Ah ok, sorry I didn’t know you placed your mesh in the level first then spawn from that.So your asteroid spawner volume is the original destructible mesh, you create 1 instance of it in your level then spawn more using it’s name Asteroid Spawner in code as its category? Is that right?

No, mesh isn’t placed in the level. A volume that defines the space for the asteroids is placed in the level. then, it has a reference to the destructible mesh actor listed in the content browser.

What sort of volume did you use because there’s a lot of options?

It’s a custom “Asteroid Spawner” volume I derived from the base volume class.

Still not sure what you mean. I’m pretty new to Unreal so not fully accustomed to everything yet, can only see the options before me.