How to spawn and move Static Mesh to another Static Meshs Socket within BP

Hey guys!
I’m struggling with the following issue:
I want to spawn a static mesh (Card) at the player position when I overlap a trigger volume. Next I want it to move to another static mesh’s socket and then despawn. I’m trying to simulate the process of paying at a vendors machine without cash but as instead with a card.
As I’m trying to do this for multiple machines (BPs) should I make an interface out of that or add it to every BP, design it in the Level BP?
I’m fairly new to UE4 BPs, any help is really welcome!

You have two options I can see.

  1. Make it animation based. When activating your sequence force the player character in a specific position in front of your machine and have the card move via an animation from A → B. This only works for one specific position of socket destination per animation.
  2. Have a Card Actor that you spawn at position A (where it should start), give it position B (the location of the socket) and have it interpolate between those two positions (maybe with a point C in between so it makes a nicer curve). When it is near the final destination destroy the actor again. A short transition actor so to speak which only has the job to move from A to B.