Instancing Static Mesh


So a friend told me about Instancing Static Mesh’s instead of having a vast amount of the same assets in the scene.

As seen my the Image I have 2 static mesh’s with a supposed Instance one in the centre however this doesn’t show in the BP Nor in game.

The 2 static mesh’s are only for display purposes as I only want one in the BP.

And I was going to convert all my replicated static mesh BPs to Instanced to increase performance.

Or am I approaching it wrong entirely.

Thank’s in advanced.

in your blueprint, if you add instanced static mesh component to your blueprint, if you click that component in the component list, you can initialize all of the settings like mesh, material, cull distances etc, in the details panel. to add the mesh, drag the instanced static mesh component variable into your events (or constructor) window. then, drag off the pin ‘add instance’ to actually add one of the instances (and assuming you’ll include this node in a sequence somewhere). you will have to specify the transform in most cases, but if you review some of the spline tutorials or grid generation tutorials, you can see how ‘for loops’ are used to generate hundreds of these instances procedurally (so for example you could create a path with tons of those lamps).

I have added these via the construction script. and its now showing in BP Viewport and in game.

It does not however show any asset in the Blueprint Thumbnail as this is now blank.

Am I correct in saying this is the only way to make the Instance work ?

Also if there are a great deal of the same assets it instancing them will work best for performance ?

Would this also work with wall mesh’s and the like.


lot’s of ways to use instancing. here’s an example:
instancing video

yes, great for performance on desktop computers as all instances are basically considered one instance. on mobile, until hardware acceleration starts appearing more commercially, this isn’t really an advantage.

yes, you could use this concept to generate walls, but you’ll need to evaluate the advantage of placing walls in a scene as it’s own actor, vs. generating them as instances within a blueprint.

Thanks for that video, I’m going to watch it now.

In regards to the advantage of placing walls as their own actor instead of instances what are they ?
