Character blueprint with Click Events

I’m a little confused. If you look at the Third Person Character template, you will see that the Player Pawn was created as a “Character” blueprint but this means that it does not have the ability to enable Click Events or Touch Events like you get with a Player Pawn. However, if I create a Player Pawn, it does not get the Character Movement component that you get in the “Character” blueprint. Is there a way to create an amalgamation of the two? A Character blueprint with Click/Touch Events? Essentially I want a third person character with Click and Touch Events.


How do you go about doing that?



[This thread][4] has some screenshots of a blueprint where the player controller has click events enabled, and the character’s capsule has collision channel for visibility on ‘block’ which allows for mouse click detection if you’re using the default visibility channel in mouse clicks. standard issue character with only that capsule collision modified, and standard player controller, with only mouse interface options checked.

Yes there is. If you make a new custom class that inherits from pawn, you can simply just add the character movement component to that class and it should work.

Thanks Paradoc, I’ll look into this the first chance I get. So if I understand correctly, this method enables click events on the player controller as opposed to the player pawn?

from what i understand this method just enables the click event to occur and associates it with the player controller that enabled it. the character is still responding to the ‘OnClick event’ based on the capsule’s collision channel. i haven’t fully investigated the limits of it, but this configuration does make the template character clickable.