How can i destroy a spawned blueprint with a box trigger?

Hi all,

Sure this is an easy one, but for the life of me i cant get a spawned animated mesh to destroy when i hit a box trigger. Do i need to reference the box trigger inside of the blueprint? Or do i do it through the level blueprint? or do i do it through the spawned blueprint? If i do it through the spawned blueprint then it will destroy that object when it hits any trigger box right??
I can destroy them if i add a delay. But as i’m altering the speed of the animation i think it would be best to destroy them with a trigger instead. appologies if this is incredibly easy, and hopefully someone can point me in the right direction.

First, open your level blueprint. Then select your box trigger in your game world. Back in your level blueprint, right click, and add event begin overlap for the box trigger. you should see an event node populate into your graph. drag the pin out that says ‘other’ (or other actor…can’t remember off hand). cast that pin to your object that you want to destroy. from the cast output pin, drag it out and select ‘destroy’ from the list. hopefully this should work.

Thank you! That works. one small question however…
if i need it to cast to multiple blueprints, how would that work? I tried with a multi gate which works (sort of)… Any ideas??

for this example, you can just drag the ‘cast failed’ to the next cast node, so it will go down the line checking until it gets a successful cast. if you begin to set up a lot of these cast checks, it will be worth switching your method over to interfaces though. so for example, in blueprints, create a new interface called something like ‘TriggerKillable’ or whatever, and implement this interface into each blueprint you want to be a candidate for this trigger. then, in the ‘other actor’ pin from the overlap check, drag it out and select ‘does implement interface’. from there you can build the condition check.

Perfect! Thanks once again!