Multiple UV coordinates in Procedural Mesh Component?

How can I have multiple UV coordinates per vertex in a Procedural Mesh Component? My goal is to create a UV editor.

I know it is possible to generate multiple vertices per corner, as in but that’s 24 vertices instead of 8 for a simple box. Would this be a performance problem?

I know that ) contains multiple UVs per “wedge” (properties stored for each corner of each face). But I don’t know how to set or create the equivalent in custom mesh component (except by duplicating vertices).

I know that (as he explains here), but I don’t really know how to make one UV set correspond to one face.

I am looking for an efficient solution in terms of performances.

Very interested in an answer too.

Me too. Are there really no plans on adding support for more UV channels to Procedural Meshes? Extremely limiting atm.

As Maxim DC explained on gamedev.stackexchange, duplicating vertices won’t have noticeable performance impact (all vertices are processed in parallel on the GPU anyway). This is a good solution.