Topdown 2d movement feels floaty when accelerating

I’m trying to make a 2d game seen from above and the movement right now feels very floaty. Basically, whenever I’m pressing a key to accelerate the pawn, the friction gets turned off it feels like. And looking in the details panel, all of the friction variables say that the friction is applied when the force = 0, so this makes sense. But I can’t find a way to apply the same friction always. When I make the pawn move left, and then right just as I release the left key, the pawn will float and there won’t be any friction, but if I release the left key and let it stop before pressing the right key, the pawn is much more responsive. It makes it feel very floaty and inconsistent.

Here’s a short video showing the difference (excuse the lame programmer art):

In the first part of the video I’m pressing the left key, then as I release it I immediately press the right key, and you can see how floaty it becomes then. In the last part of the video I’m pressing the keys again, but I wait until the pawn has stopped before I press the key to move it in the other direction, and since the friction is only applied in this part, the pawn doesn’t float as much. Sorry if this is all confusing, I’m very new to programming and game development and trying to learn the ropes.