Event is called twice when bound in constructor (c++)

Hey there!

I am using unreals delegate system to create an event manager for my game.

Everything is rigged up and working well, but I have one small issue.

If I call my SubscribeToEvent function in the constructor of my class (a pawn), the bound function is called twice. However, if I call my SubscribeToEvent function in Begin Play, it is called once.

Here is my subscribe function (called in the constructor or begin play)

template < class UserClass >
static FDelegateHandle Subscribe(UserClass * InUserObject, void(UserClass::*InFunc)(class HGEvent* receivedEvent))
	FEventManagerDelegate Listener;
 	Listener.BindUObject(InUserObject, InFunc);

	return m_Event.Add(Listener);

and here is my send event function, called once in beginplay for testing.

void EventManager::SendEvent(HGEvent* givenEvent)

just in case, here is the function I use for testing:
void APlayerCameraPawn::BeginPlay()

SubscribeToEvent(this, &APlayerCameraPawn::HandleEvent);
CenterCameraEvent* newEvent = new CenterCameraEvent(FVector(0, 0, 0));


However, it is called twice if SubscribeToEvent is called in the constructor instead of begin play.

Hope you can help! cheers,

These might be related to your issue:
