AI CharacterMovement performance problem with geometry overlaps


Currently I am investigating on performance problems inside our game. The performance is really bad and I have come to the conclusion that the problem is coming from our AI CharacterMovementComponent that is taking the majority of a frame. We have only 12 AI so it should not be so bad as you can see in the print screen.

I have found that the problems come from the collisions box I have in my Character. Theses box are only for detection, they are not blocking anything and should not alter movement. But when I deactivate “Generate Overlapping events” on them, the performance is a lot better.

So my question is : How can I correct my collisions box, sphere collision and static mesh actors that are already set to custom collisions preset (mix of ignore and overlap on objects responses) so they won’t affect CharacterMovement performance.

Thank you for your help

The AI are triggering the Overlap Events on themselves, try adding a NOTEQUAL check node on the Begin and End over lap events and add a branch to check if it is self and then from false run your event logic…like this: