Some trouble with light on skeletal mesh

I do some fightind game and I have some trouble with light on skeletal mesh.
When it is idle, in the battle or fall with the defeat of the mesh begins to blink.The same mesh in different locations will blink. But not all skeletal meshes in location blinks. Like catches the light source itself is completely painted in this color, although there is nothing nearby.
In the scene only static light sources, there is a capture reflections, indirect lighting character volume, lightmass, postprocess.
Game is for mobile
Unfortunately, I can not show videos with this problem

Make sure the physics bodies of the skeletal mesh in physical asset cover the whole mesh.

Physic asset cover all mesh. Without it looks just awful blinking like a Christmas tree. Physical Asset partially solves this problem, but not everywhere. According to the documentation, that I understand, the physical asset affect the behavior only on the shadows not on light.
Anyway, found by such variant: in blueprint skeletal mesh installed inderect lighting cache quality set to ILCQ Volume and sample placement scale set to 1.
I do not much understand why it is works, but in fact that helps

It makes sense. You can enable Volume Lighting Sample under Show > Visualize in the viewport to see what indirect lighting samples look like. Basically they are used to light dynamic objects(like movable meshes and skeletal meshes) where there is no direct lighting.

Unfortunately, it did not help completely. Does anyone else have any ideas how this can be resolved?

Have you tried reducing volume lighting sample placement scale value in world settings(0.6 - 0.7) and rebuild the lights? Also can you record a video of the problem please?

Unfortunately, I can’t do video, I sign a nondisclosure agreement. I tried different lighting sample placement scale value and it didn’t help.
I have something like CryEngine - flickering with imported meshes - YouTube , unlike this video I have situation then pers don’t moving, and the enemy in a state of rest and rocking blinking whole like in video