Blueprint: Detect Variable Change In Editor

I created a blueprint with instanced static mesh to build a hallway. I have an editable variable called Length that can be changed to modify the length of the hallway. I create 2 instanced static meshes per section one for each side. The default length is 1 so when I add it to my map I get one section of hallway… perfect. Now when I change the variable to 2 or 3 or whatever the length does not change. And that is because instanced static meshes, from what I have read, have to be created in the construction script which is only run once at the creation of the item in the map. I’m wondering if there is a better way to do this or how to be notified of changes to the length. Here is what I have so far:

I also just realized that another instanced static mesh for the walls is doing this same thing and it works. Only I can change the mesh and the material in the editor and that blueprint updates appropriately even though the functionality is in the construction script.

Well I feel a little silly there was a small bug in the blueprint that I failed to see right away that was preventing this from working. I was able to get it working correctly after correcting the bug.