How do I modify material domain for selected materials ?

Hello ,

I am trying to batch edit 200 + materials at once, mainly switching material domain to decal. But Material parameter only provides scalar and vector parameters.

Also I can’t launch Property Matrix for selected Materials only Textures. I wish to explore scripting solutions, but does UE4 has a shell or IDE like Maya’s Python script editor where I can write scripts to invoke creation / edit commands on selected Assets / Objects?

Maya Example:.

import maya. cmds as mc

selected_shaders = = 1, type = $SHADER_TYPE)

for shader in selected_shader:

mc.setAttr(shader + ".$ATTRIBUTE_NAME , $ATTRIBUTE VALUE)

Removed this type of option from the Property Matrix. The only way is the old one … one by one. Or … if you make a plugin that will change it automatically in the game by recursion.