Perlin Noise?

Hey everyone I’m trying to make an auto world generation in UE4 like the one they used in Minecraft with perlin noise. I can already do this in unity with the perlin noise function and there is a UE4 plugin for this here: GitHub - devdad/SimplexNoise: * This is a clean, fast, modern and free Perlin Simplex noise function.All Public Functions are BlueprintCallable so they can be used in every blueprint. From DevDad and Dedicated to you and Unreal Community Use it free for what ever you want I only request that you mention me in the credits for your game in the way that feels most appropriate to you.
but I’m not sure exactly how the plugin works. I’ve got the BP’s to work but the function looks a little different than the one in Unity so if someone can help me on either using the plugin or an alternative method for world generation it would be usefull

Never mind, I found a solution


If you found it please share your discoveries. I’m also struggling to run this plugin.