Animation Time to make an effect when i walk


I would like to make my camera “bounce” on each step my character make.
Actually I’m doing that, but since my value are hard coded and there is no relation beetwen that and the animation, the step and the bounce are not connected.

I’m trying to find a way to get the actual animation time (each loop of the animation is one step so it’s will be easy to connect booth) or find a way to move the camera inside the animation.

The current problem is that I don’t know how to get the current animation time. This is the animation i want to check.

How do I get the Play hermann_Animation_Walk time? should i do it inside the Walk(state) of the animation, or inside the character?

Thanks for the help.

Well this doesn’t help with getting the time, but have you looked into notifies? Animation Notifications (Notifies) | Unreal Engine Documentation Usually whenever i want something to happen on step, i use those. That way your bobbing would be true to the amount of steps your taking. Could be neat that way.

Couldn’t you just hook the notify event up to a timeline and adjust your camera ‘bump’ right then and there in the timeline? It’d be relatively clean that way. Not sure why you’d have problems syncing them.

No you right, I just didn’t knew how to use it :wink:

basically I did a curve on the animation, and i get her value on the character BP to set the elevation of the camera boom.

Perfect thank you very much

Didn’t knew about that.
Looks interesting thx, will try to do something with it.

But if I understand that well, I can fire an event start/tick/end when my animation play.

If i walk fast i play the animation faster and if I play slow i player the animation slower.

In booth case I will have a problem to synchronise my “bump effect” if I can’t know where I’am in the animation precisely.

Great, glad I could point you in a good direction :slight_smile: