Can we use these material packages together with the Unreal Engine to make clips for free and used them into the videos?

We are a NPO and see that your website offers the free download of Unreal Engine. This is awesome! We also notice that there are some free material packages offered by the websites (like what is shown in this link: Screenshot - dc7114b74e053a971fa7982223367492 - Gyazo ). We are wondering if we can use these material packages together with the Unreal Engine to make clips for free, and these clips will be put into our videos. After that we will upload these videos on YouTube, which are for non-commercial purposes. Just want to make sure if we can use the Unreal Engine and free material packages in this way. We would appreciate it if you could provide a response as soon as possible. Thanks.

that is allowed, and you can do it for free :slight_smile: