“DefaultVirtualJoysticks” disables “InputTouch” event while in use


Using the default FPS project in UE4 for mobile, when I use the “DefaultVirtualJoysticks” moving around, I am unable to use the “InputTouch” event until I stop moving. I am using the “InputTouch” event to allow the user look around using the touch screen. As soon as I press on the “DefaultVirtualJoysticks” I no longer can use the touch screen to look around.
For testing I created a completely new FPS mobile project and confirmed when I press the “DefaultVirtualJoysticks”, I am unable to shoot projectiles using the touch screen (“InputTouch” event).
It appears the “DefaultVirtualJoysticks” takes over the touch interface until it is no longer used. How can I resolve this issue? To be able to move around with “DefaultVirtualJoysticks” and look around using the Touch screen on mobile at the same time?

Thank you for your help