Make it brighter


I’m very new in Unreal Engine development and I’m trying to create a star with a material.

This is my material:

And this how I can see it on my game:


But they don’t have brightness like these:


My problem is that my stars don’t have a real star’s brightness.

What I can do to make them look like?

Hello Via, besides setting the shader to unlit, and boosting the emissive massively… it might be better to have the kind of star already available as a texture, and use that as a base.
That will result in a much more vibrant star.

Thanks. I’m newbie and I don’t understand what do you mean with: “to have the kind of star already available as a texture, and use that as a base”. What do I have to do with that texture to set it as a base? Do I need to draw a star and save it as a texture? Thanks.

Hey Via, sorry for the late-ish reply.

Besides really raising the emissive color for your stars, a really good texture of a starfield is needed to get a good result.
Something like this: Photoshop - Realistic Starfield - YouTube