Make a backflip in vehicle

Hi everybody!

I’m actually trying to make my first SideScroller mobile game on Unreal Engine, and so far I’ve overcome a lot of problems, but now I’m really stuck …

I’m trying to make my vehicle doing a backflip while jumping.

I’ve used impulse to simulate a jump, but I can’t find a way to make my vehicule tilt backward while the jumping key is pressed. I’ve tried the AddLocalRotator on the Mesh or on the actor with no results…

And I’m using the VehicleMovement to simulate the physics of a rider.

Do you have any idea ? Thank you very much for your help, any help would be greatly appreciated!


You could change the vehicle’s center of mass when it jumps to have gravity roll it for you and then set it back to normal center of mass after. If you want it to roll(flip) backwards you could adjust its center of mass up in the Z and negative in the X, but it will most likely require trial and error to get the amounts just right for the effect you want to achieve.

Thanks for your answer :slight_smile:

I’ve tried the Center of Mass but it doesn’t seem to affect or change anything… I’ve tried with a lot of different valors.

I’m using the mesh of the sedan as in the exemple of the Unreal Engine, it’s very similar to the effect I want to achieve, I just can’t make it flip :confused:

How much are you adding to the center of mass, try something extreme like +5000 Z and -3500 X it should flip backwards, that’s why I said there will be some trial and error to getting the settings just right to get the effect you are looking for