Line Trace Not Showing?

Good Afternoon, I am getting a little project ready for a class, however, I have run into an issue. When I was testing an inventory method, the way I had the line trace set up worked perfectly. Click the E button, the line trace would show, if it hit a specific type of actor, it would put it into the inventory. Simple enough right? Well, I put the Exact same Blueprint into the main project file that the person in charge of the level making provided me, and the line trace will no longer show up. I have tried looking through these forums, on google, youtube as well, for anything that might be able to help me, but I have been unable to figure it out. The set up is exactly the same in the other project with the same blueprint. Any help would be awesome, even ideas of what the issues could be. Thank you!

Looks pretty easy :wink: Have you cheked vectors outputs?

I’m sorry >.< I am still really new to Unreal4 and Blueprints, I am not sure how to do that.

And I have another line trace on my character for when he attacks with his sword, and that one works fine :confused:

Update: I think I may have found the issue, however, how to resolve it is a mystery all in itself. I had a random thought that, hey, maybe Unreal is having a compile bug or something. So, I took out the line trace I have attached to my characters sword attack, compiled, and when I played the game and attacked with his sword, the line trace was still popping. Maybe things aren’t compiling correctly?

Instead of running the trace from the camera’s BP component directly try using a GetPlayerCameraManager node and from that get the transform component and plug that into the GetWorldLocation and GetForwardVector nodes the line may still be tracing but might not be using the actual angled view of the camera. Also to test if it is firing in the editor during play you can pause and eject after it should have fired to see if it is indeed firing by looking for the debug line and check world location 0,0,0 when things don’t know where to spawn/fire they end up there by default.

if you know how Could you please tell me how to fix it i still cant get anything from this post thanks alot

Just move from persistant to for duration.