Error CS0101 when generating project files

Hi. I’m installing the Wwise plugin for UE4.10 - or trying to! :slight_smile:

I have followed installation steps as described here:

Steps 1 - 8 work fine. At step 9, when regenerating the project files, I get the following errors:

Setting up Unreal Engine 4 project files...
Errors detected while compiling X:\GitHub\UnrealEngine\Engine\Intermediate\Build
Format.Build.cs(5,14) : error CS0101: The namespace '<global namespace>' already
 contains a definition for 'MetalShaderFormat'
.cs(5,14) : error CS0101: The namespace '<global namespace>' already contains a
definition for 'FriendsAndChat'
: error CS0101: The namespace '<global namespace>' already contains a definition
 for 'ImageCore'
5,14) : error CS0101: The namespace '<global namespace>' already contains a defi
nition for 'ImageWrapper'
) : error CS0101: The namespace '<global namespace>' already contains a definiti
on for 'MetalRHI'
ld.cs(5,15) : error CS0101: The namespace 'UnrealBuildTool.Rules' already contai
ns a definition for 'SessionMessages'
ld.cs(5,14) : error CS0101: The namespace '<global namespace>' already contains
a definition for 'SessionServices'
.cs(5,15) : error CS0101: The namespace 'UnrealBuildTool.Rules' already contains
 a definition for 'SynthBenchmark'
rty\Twitch\Twitch.Build.cs(7,14) : error CS0101: The namespace '<global namespac
e>' already contains a definition for 'Twitch'
ScriptGeneratorPlugin.Build.cs(7,15) : error CS0101: The namespace 'UnrealBuildT
ool.Rules' already contains a definition for 'ScriptGeneratorPlugin'
UnrealBuildTool Exception: ERROR: UnrealBuildTool encountered an error while com
piling source files

GenerateProjectFiles ERROR: UnrealBuildTool was unable to generate project files

Press any key to continue . . .

I read that there may be file duplicates so I’ve moved the other files outside of the Engine directories. This cleared the CS0101 errors but I now get CS0103 errors:

Setting up Unreal Engine 4 project files...
Errors detected while compiling X:\GitHub\UnrealEngine\Engine\Intermediate\Build
x:\GitHub\UnrealEngine\Engine\Source\Developer\SimplygonSwarm.Build.cs(53,3) : e
rror CS0103: The name 'PrecompileForTargets' does not exist in the current conte
x:\GitHub\UnrealEngine\Engine\Source\Developer\SimplygonSwarm.Build.cs(53,26) :
error CS0103: The name 'PrecompileTargetsType' does not exist in the current con
DebuggerModule.Build.cs(77,4) : error CS0103: The name 'PrecompileForTargets' do
es not exist in the current context
DebuggerModule.Build.cs(77,27) : error CS0103: The name 'PrecompileTargetsType'
does not exist in the current context
UnrealBuildTool Exception: ERROR: UnrealBuildTool encountered an error while com
piling source files

GenerateProjectFiles ERROR: UnrealBuildTool was unable to generate project files

Press any key to continue . . .

None of the files I removed contain any references to PrecompileForTargets or PrecompileForTargetsType so I’m at a loss as to why the CS0103 errors only occur after the removal.

I’d appreciate any solutions or steps that might help.



Hello concrete_buffalo,

The guide you are following is for version 4.7 of the editor, while it seems that you are using 4.10. This could potentially cause some issues due to updated code.

Instead, go ahead and try running through the steps listed in the guide linked below and let us know if that helps.

Have a great day

Hi - thanks for your response :slight_smile:

This certainly was an issue - but not the only one! I was using the latest UE4 files from Github, without realising that the release notes state some files have been overwritten with files intended for 4.11. Also, I was using the latest version of Wwise when only the 2015.1.4 (5497) build is compatible with UE4.10.

Going to start over and try again.

I will feedback to confirm everything works.


This time I receive no error messages.

However, although loading UE4.sln and hitting F5 to debug does start UE4 without issue it isn’t loading the Wwise plugin. I have double-checked and the correct Wwise integration folders were deposited in the UE source folder on my PC prior to hitting GenerateProjectFiles.bat.

Any ideas please? :slight_smile:

I’m not too familiar with the Wwise plugin, but it is possible that you would need to enable it in the Plugins section of the editor.

If you’re still experiencing issues with getting the plugin to work, you can visit the forums and see how other users have gotten the plugin to work, as it is a third-party plugin and we do not officially support it.

Also, take a look at this page if you haven’t already as it explains a bit of the process: Wwise Unreal Integration