[Packaging] .pak file demystified. Please

I’m a student and chose to use Unreal Engine for a student project. Currently I’m loading a blueprint from path in C++ to spawn it. It works fine on the editor but when I package the game to test with my group the game crashes because it can’t find the file. I tried using const FString ThePath = FPaths::ConvertRelativePathToFull(FPaths::GameDir());
And then appending the path inside my project structure and this is the path produced ‘Object /Script/CoreUObject.Guid:C./Users/username/Desktop/Build_V3.5/WindowsNoEditor/gamename//Blueprints/Audio/BP_Audio_Manager.BP_Audio_Manager’’ And the engine can’t find the file. Which causes my game to crash. My main concern is that this aspect of the packaging process seems to be very poorly documented. I assume the main pak file is automatically mounted but then there is no way to know how to retrieve a file from inside. This should be immediately apparent in the documentation and not hidden in answerhub questions, each with a different version of the engine. Very hard to navigate for newcomers. One would expect there to be some consistency between what happens in the Editor and what happens in the packaged game. Especially since this is something that a lot of people would want to do for stuff like DLC or patches. In conclusion, can anybody provide a simple way to retrieve files at runtime? In the editor just providing this path works: “Blueprint’/Game/Blueprints/Audio/BP_Audio_Manager.BP_Audio_Manager’” Thank you.