Character (with A.I.) not able to navigate through stairs

Hey guys,
I’ve this very simple problem.

Basically this character with pawn sensing. is able to follow me without problems in each part of the map. But somehow, he’s not able to climb stairs like this. He’s always get stuck on that position.

Any idea of what could be the cause of the problem?

Well, actually not.
I got this:

How can I fix this?


Have you tried adjusting the character’s Max Step Height in the character movement component?

Also, is the Nav Mesh covering that part of the stairs as well?

Unfortunately I got no access (at the moment) to the meshes of the project.
Anyway the “Agent Max Step Height” in the Navigation Mesh settings helped me a little bit, but unfortunately seems impossible to cover all the area of the project.

Just in case I’ll get the access to the meshes, could you tell me please in what I’ve to take a look to try to fix the problem? Normal problems of geometry maybe?

ps = seems that the navmesh now it’s entirely broken and doesn’t work anymore after I tweaked those settings. -.-"
Of course I reverted all my changes to default, but it’s still broken. A message appears at the top-left corner saying:“NAVMESH NEEDS TO BE REBUILT.” …darn!

Without looking at the mesh itself, I’d suggest checking Edit->Project Settings->Navigation Mesh->Generation and messing with some of the settings in there to see if you can get it to generate on your steps. You have options such as Max Height, Max Slope, etc. If you could provide the stair mesh, I could also take a look at it on my end if you’d like.

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I’d recommend taking the mesh into a clean project and messing around with the Nav Mesh settings until you are able to get something closer to what you are looking for. When you do get a chance, feel free to provide the mesh and I’d be glad to look into it.

Have you attempting to build paths using the build button at the top of the viewport?

You could use a Nav Link Proxy to fill the small gap on the stairs to allow for the AI to move all the way up and down without getting stuck.

I actually found a definitive solution. The agent radius.
Basically I edited the “recast-navmesh” object, which is created automatically when a navmesh bounds volume is added to the scene, reduced the value of the agent radius to 2, and that’s it! I got a great navpath!
Previously I did the same thing inside the project settings, but for some reason that didn’t change anything in the project.

Hope that this could help someone that will have my same problem!
Thank you for the help! :slight_smile:

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