Connect to a DataBase

Hello, is there a way for me to read/store to SQL or any other DB from blueprints?

No, or else you find some plugin or from C++ you can use via 3rd party libraries. There is SQLite module in UE4, but it’s on halt and not sure if it works or even build, and it’s still C++ only

If you want client to use it in multiplayer game, you might consider setting up HTTP server that operated database and access it UE4 HTTP APIsin C++ or VaRest (it’s plugin) in Blueprint. You should go this way for security resons, making client connect to remote database is not safe.

If you want to use database as a game asset you might consider using DataTable asset:

If you want ferther help please tell for what you want to use that database.

I’m interested about the security issue, as an outsider in the topic, what could happend if the client connects to remote databases.
I’m also working around the webbrowser experimental feature and giving access to youtube and wikipedia but as I develop the datasystem I’m researching topics like this, so, Any hint about security everybody should be aware?