How To Mirror Animation?

Mirroring support is set to wishlist/backlog on trello which is pretty sad considering this is a standard feature inside the unity editor. Can someone suggest a workaround inside ue4, by setting some value to -1 or something along those lines?

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Where can the character scale x-axis be found in the animation editor? Setting “Import Uniform Scale” to -1 under the “Transform” Tab in the Mesh Editor does not seem to have any effect.

To mirror animation simply set its scale to -1 in the X axis. It should mirror right down the middle. EDIT: I meant set your character scale -1 in the X axis…sorry wrote that too fast

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In the CharacterBP, set the character mesh to -1 in the X axis

but if do it like this, apex clothing function will be not working

if you’re working in maya, you could any of these scripts

or google search ‘bonusTool’,

So currently if we want to mirror a 3D character’s animation during the game, we need to have 2 physically separate versions? There’s no way to flip the pose using blueprint?

The following solution looks great, but unfortunately it uses C++ to achieve this. I’d like to know how to do this in blueprints.

Thanks for any insights on this!

I know the post is old, but maybe someone needs it someday, so here is the answer to flip the scale with blueprint:

But be aware, it not only mirrors the animation, it also mirrors the hold equip like weapon and shield.

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Thanks, Shisou, for sharing that helpful tip!

The real answer is you can’t mirror animation inside UE4. You need to do this in an external application like Max or Maya. Mirroring the mesh is not the same as mirroring the animation.

Bad idea: animation will not be mirrored, it’s not so simple. All, that you can reach this way, is an “Idle” and the “Forward/Backward” animation changes, and that’s all. But when you try to mess with the “45/135/Strafe” movements, this animations will completely ruins your idea.Try it yourself.

There is a cheap plugin, very easy and fast workflow. Let’s you mirror and/or reverse multiple animations at the same time Anim Mod Tool in Code Plugins - UE Marketplace (