How to safely delete UObject instantly

Yes, there is nothing more to say. What I need to do is to instantly delete UObject after it’s being used. How to do it ?

Here’s the function I use, after having done much research on this matter.

I have an in-game editor so I have to be able to reliably delete entire levels worth of stuff instantly.

I routinely delete material instances (Dynamic), static mesh actors, characters, and more using this method

This function of mine works, I guarantee you :slight_smile:

#My Delete UObject / AActor Function For You

void AYourClass:VDestroy(UObject * ToDestroy)
	if (!ToDestroy) return;
	if (!ToDestroy->IsValidLowLevel()) return;
	AActor * AnActor = Cast(ToDestroy);
	if (AnActor)
		ToDestroy = NULL;
	//Object - BeginDestroy
		//Begin Destroy
		ToDestroy = NULL;


When you have objects that could have been recently deleted and Garbage Collection purged, it is VERY important that you do a second check for such actors that could be / have been recently destroyed

so you have a UObject* MyObj;

Here’s the check

if(!MyObj) return;
if(!MyObj->IsValidLowLevel()) return;


You can create a convenience method to do both of these checks, and return false if the reference is not valid.

