How to inherit from AIController in 4.10


I’m quite new to Unreal4 and now want to have a try of the AI system with C++ by following this video tutorial : Unreal Engine 4 C++ Tutorial Version 4.0.2: Basic Artificial Intelligence - YouTube

But I got an error in the constructor of a class inherited from AAIController.
In the video, the constructor written in this way:

ATutorial_Controller::ATutorial_Controller(const class FPostConstructInitializeProperties &PCIP) : Super(PCIP)



Obviously it’s out of date, So I tried to make a default constructor



Then an “out-of-line definition does not match any declaration” error occurred.

And I tried the way which is used by the engine’s class which is inherited from AAIController like ADetourCrowdAIController.

ATutorial_Controller::ATutorial_Controller(const FObjectInitializer& ObjectInitializer)
: Super(ObjectInitializer.SetDefaultSubobjectClass(TEXT("PathFollowingComponent")))


This one also went to error.

I searched a lot but can’t find useful information. Does anybody know why both of them are wrong and which is the right way? Thank you.

I found out the reason. In former versions, the default constructor is generated automatically in the header file but not in new versions. My problem is solved by adding the declaration of default constructor in the header file.