How could I press a key (i.e. 1) and be able to possess another pawn in the level?


What I would like to do is make it so that if a player presses a key (ie. 1) it would possess another pawn in the level. What I thought up (I’m new to UE4, so I’m not sure if this even works) is that when the player presses 1 it would change the player controller to 2, and my other pawn would have that player controller assigned to it. What would be a way of doing this? I understand that what I’m doing could very likely not work, so if possible provide a solution to how I would work around this.


Player Controller is generated for each player in the game and it’s interface between player and game world. So instead of change player controllers you would switch pawns in the with Possess node

There’s three examples of this in the “Blueprint_Input_Examples” level under the “ContentExamples” project. : )

Possess is a server only playercontroller function.