Running the editor without UI

Given my propensity for crazy questions:

  • Can I run the editor with no UI? I’d be happy with a console output type window.
  • Alternatively can I convert a wav file to a uasset from the commandline?

Reason for asking crazy question: User content generation, baked to engine assets in a virtual server that I want to minimize the specification of.

Interesting idea… Like Windows server 2012R2 Core…Hmmm… Don’t know how, just commenting that its pretty neat idea!

Exactly. I’m using AWS services and they have a super cheap non GPU instance but running a WM that can run the editor is expensive.

With the content I support so far it’s only really needed for wav files, as these can’t be loaded by the engine directly [in standalone builds]. The cheap VM I’ve tested can process images and custom data and even run UnrealPak to package them in a way the engine supports natively. It can’t launch the editor…

What I really want I guess is my plugin running, with no UI but the capability to run FAssetToolsModule::GetModule().Get().ImportAssets

So does unreal not support some sort of build machine that doesn’t need to run a UI? This has been a fairly standard approach on the different teams I’ve worked with.