Build Failed (UnrealBuildTool.exe, ExitCode=-532462766)

i’m trying to compile my prototype and getting build failed.
I follow the tutorial Android Quick Start 4.9 and everything worked.
But when i tried to compile my own prototype, the compilation has failed.

the log of error is attached.

Thx[link text][1]

82650-36916-rungame-backup-2015.04.01-21.30.50.log (287 KB)

Edney Reis,

Are you working in a C++ or blueprint project? How did you obtain the engine, was it through Binary or Source? Could you please verify whether or not this is occurring on any new projects? Would you be able to create a copy of your project and open it in 4.11 Preview 7 and let me know whether or not it packages for you? Send as many logs as possible.


Thanks for reply .
Yes, i’m working on a c++ project.
I obtain the engine for binary.
As i told you before, in a new projects its does not occur.
The log of error in Unreal 4.11 Preview 7 is attached
[link text][1]

Thank you for the attention.

82992-towerdefence-backup-2016.03.19-11.53.43.log (340 KB)

I tried to compile my game to windows PC.
it cause compile error too. But much more descriptive.
My problem was because i’m trying to create HUD in c++, following the UMG tutorial.
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PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { “Core”, “CoreUObject”, “Engine”, “InputCore”, “UMG”, “Slate”, “SlateCore”})

was causing error.

so i just put all UMG logic in blueprint and BOOOM
all working fine!