Packaging Failed!

Hello , I’m try to pack my project but the same error pop;s out.
I’m using UE 4.10.4 , i had try packaging another projects and they work with no problem.
I had try to pack in shipping mode and development, no luck on both.
I used HalaArchvizToolv1 to build my scene. Just deleted the original work and work on top of it.
I had try to pack the original HalaArchviz and it works perfectly ! Don;t undestand , im new on this please be patient on me !

Hello fmadrid00,

It seems that the problem is that you have a few files in your project that have file names / paths that are too long. You can see that from errors such as this:

MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2016.03.17-16.49.13:903][ 0]CookResults:Error: Error Couldn’t save package, filename is too long: C:/Users//Documents/Unreal Projects/TorreRS/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/TorreRS/Content/A-NORTE/mueblesFijos/banoPrincipal/top_marmol_M_Encimera_de_armario_de_ba�o_con_agujero_para_fregadero_cuadrado_Profundidad_600_mm__2003535_.uasset

There are a few of these in the log so it may be a few different assets, I would suggest searching the log for “filename is too long” to find all of those messages so you know which ones to fix. If I remember correctly, the maximum limit for a file path when packaging is between the 240-250 character limit range.

Hope this helps!