Can't Lock Camera Manager to HMD

Hey, so I’m doing some VR stuff and I want to be able to add some interactions using the players HMD. I’m basically trying to attach collision to the players headset by attaching a sphere component to the camera.

So I figured the best thing to do would be to use a Camera Manager as specified in the quick start guide and to then attach the collision to the TransformComponent.

However, in step 2, it says to toggle on “Follow HMD Orientation” the only problem is that this option no longer exists.
So I looked around and the best thing I could find was that it’s now called Lock to HMD, but I can’t access that without using a camera component which I can’t get access to in the camera manager.

Am I missing something here? I feel like there’s some sort of tickbox I need to use because using an event tick and moving the collision sphere to the players HMD location doesn’t feel right…

Bump, I feel like this might be a bug that you can’t lock the default camera manager to the HMD in 4.11

Hooray for new releases: