ObjectLibrary returns "SKEL_" assets


I noticed in two different projects when you load Blueprint classes with an UObjectLibrary it will also load “SKEL_*” assets.

My code looks like this:

BrickLibrary = UObjectLibrary::CreateLibrary(UBrickComponent::StaticClass(), true, GIsEditor);

TArray<UBlueprintGeneratedClass *> BrickClasses;

	for (int32 i = 0; i < BrickClasses.Num(); ++i)
		UBlueprintGeneratedClass * BrickClass = BrickClasses[i];

I read the “SKEL_” asstes are an internal thing from UE4 and I suspect that it’s a bug that those will be found by an object library.

This is not an urgent bug since you can simply bypass this by checking if the class name starts with “SKEL_”, still would be nice if this could be fixed.

Hello Fluppi393,

Are you using a modified version of the engine built from source? I’m not familiar with using UObjectLibrary’s but from what I see they’re marked as MinimalAPI meaning they’re not available by default. If you’ve made any other changes, I’ll need to know those to because anything that has been changed could be causing these symptoms, if they’re not intended.

We haven’t heard from you in a while, Fluppi393. Are you still experiencing this issue? If so, could you provide some of the information I requested in my previous post? In the meantime, I’ll be marking this issue as resolved for tracking purposes.

Hello , sorry for late reply I missed your last comment. So I am not using source control but changed the #include “EngineMinimal.h” in MyProject.h to #include “Engine.h”. The code above is everything I do with the ObjectLibrary, so I am certain that the issue is within the engine source code. Or is this maybe even intential behaviour because some other parts of the internal code need to get access to the SKEL classes?

Could you provide a small sample project that reproduces this issue? When I try to get the same setup you’re running into, I’m running into some referencing crashes so I could be making some incorrect assumptions on how you’re creating this, as I don’t have any of the context.

Hey . I’m experiencing the same issue. I’m using P4V and Git (yeah, using both) for my project. .com/celsodantas/VRHome here’s my project. One of my CPP code is using the ObjectLibrary and the result is getting a duplicate of the bluenprints that actually exists on that folder with the SKEL_ prefix.

I’m assuming this is a bug in the editor?