Distorted skeleton when retargeting multiple to one skeletons


For some, this may seem like a simple problem to deal with, but I’m still learning, so please bear with me.

I’m trying to retarget animations. So far, I retargeted the ue4 mannequin and the anim_starter_pack to the mixamo Vanguard skeleton without any problems. But this animation pack does not include aim offset blend spaces, which I need for my third person character. I found useful blend spaces in the Epic ShooterGame sample. My problem is that I can’t get the HeroTPP skeleton (from the shootergame) properly retargeted to the Mixamo Vanguard skeleton, after being retargeted from the mannequin.

I’ve noticed that the HeroTPP skeleton is missing a 3rd spine bone, which both the vanguard and mannequin skeleton have. My end product is very distorted above the hips. Weirdly though, everything below the belt is perfect. Has anyone worked with this particular skeleton and gotten it to work?



That Skeleton is a real pain to retarget to the UE4 mannequin…ultimately the whole mesh had to be exported and re-skinned and rigged if I remember correctly…but if you want to just create single frames to use in a blendspace there is a neat little trick you can pull right in the editor:

In the skeletal mesh editor you can record animations and if you start with the rifle ironsight idle from the anim starter pack you can grab the bones in the editor and rotate them manually and then edit all but the final frame out (the final frame is basically the aim offset pose you were trying to create)…it may take a little work but it will most likely be easier than the route of exported and re-skinning, rigging, etc.




Also as a bonus heres around 50’ish anims for the vanguard model that you can have and use:

Your way would definitely be the easier route for me. Even though you were clear, do know any good videos demonstrating this?

P.S. Wow, thanks a lot for the animations. Those will definitely be useful.

Don’t know of any video but I can try to through one together real quick…which way are you talking about exporting it or the in engine creation?

The engine method, within the editor. I don’t have the tools to re-rig the skeleton and I’m sure I’m not the only one who would like to see this all done within the engine. Thanks.

OK, I’ve made a really quick/crude video that should give you a good starting point…encoding it now and uploading …as they sometimes always say…please stand by

Ladies and gentlemen this is the captain speaking…the tower has informed me that we are 12th in line for takeoff but if you look out your window on the side of the aircraft you’ll see we’re rolling on through the grass there…they say we are 12th I say we are next!..fasten you seat belts.

Here ya go that should get you in the right direction

Sorry about all the window dragging I am running on 7 monitors and the windows are setup to open on different ones depending on what type they are

That makes perfect sense and totally helped me. Much easier than re-rigging the other skeleton, too. I appreciate your help. I’m sure other people will find the video useful as well.