Why aren't my meshes colliding?

I have 2 pawns. They both have collision set up. I can see their collision in the static mesh window and I can also see it in game. Both their collision types are set to “Pawn”. I can clearly see that when they collide they are overlapping each other, however they just pass right through each other. I have an Event Hit set on the Enemy pawn and it is never getting called. Is there some other setting that I’m missing?

In the Static Mesh Asset window make sure they have the collision volume around them.

Then to the right, make sure collision is enabled.

Then, if you are spawning them from a class blueprint, make sure it is all setup with collision.

Then, make sure whatever blueprint is doing the spawning has the correct collision settings. (AddInstancedStaticMeshComponents has collision checkboxes for instance).

If all of that seems in order you might play around with the collision presets in those various locations as some options might work better than others.

The problem was that I was using a Scene Component as my root component so that I could change the rotation of my pawns. Once I made the static mesh as the root, everything worked properly. Could this be some kind of bug with Scene Component?

Edit: Well this is interesting. I took away the SceneComponent like I said, but in order to fix the Enemy pawn’s rotation (the pawn with the Hit Event), I added a Box component as the root instead. Event Hit stopped getting called after that as well.

Edit 2: Added a Hit Event specifically for the static mesh component. It still doesn’t get called.

Did you try to activate the “Simulation Generates Hit Events” in the Collision Details of your Pawn/Character??