Play Window Spawns Title Bar Off Screen

I have a 2560x1400 screen in between to 1920x1080 screens.
Unreal Engine is having issues placing player windows.
After a couple months of using Unreal Engine on a regular basis, this is the first time I’m experience the issue.

I cannot move the player window because I cannot access the title bar, and using Windows move from the taskbar isn’t working.

Image here:

Hi calembendell,

  • Does this occur in a clean, blank project with no additional content or is it limited to one project?
  • What steps can I take to reproduce this on my end?
  • Have you tried resetting the layout to see if this resolves the error?

Hi calembendell,

We have not heard from you in several days. I am marking this as answered for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing this error, please post with the requested information.

Sorry for my delay!

Does not occur on a blank project and can be fixed by resetting the layout.
If I figure out what caused it, I’ll look more into this.

Having the same issue, this happened when I switched Play mode from “New Editor Window (PIE)” to “Selected Viewport” and having 2 views (e.g. server and client views).

Resetting layout doesn’t help, Windows move command doesn’t help, Cascade windows or show stacked windows functionality doesn’t help.