Failed to open descriptor file -dedicated server

I am trying to add a dedicated server to a blueprint only project. I am not a very experienced used of VS.

What i did -

  • Added a c++ code to the project

  • Packaged for development

  • Built the project under “Development Editor” configuration

  • Added the Server.Target.cs with proper replacements.

  • Built the project under “Development Server” configuration.

  • Copied the Server.exe from the project to the packaged project

Result -

Can anybody help me out with this error ?

You should use UAT to build you packaged builds. It correctly handles creating server and client builds, so you won’t need to be copying around files or doing multiple build steps.

You can create a .bat file with the following commands, and then run it whenever you want to create a new build. The following command will do an editor build, a standalone, and a dedicated server build. The editor will only be used to cook your assets to be run with your standalone and dedicated server.

call "D:\Epic Games\4.10\Engine\Build\BatchFiles\RunUAT.bat" -nop4 BuildCookRun -project=D:\MyGame\MyGame.uproject -platform=Win64 -clientconfig=Development -serverconfig=Development -server -servertarget=MyGameServer -build -cook -allmaps -stage -archive -archivedirectory=D:\MyGameBuilds\

You can find more example usages here: A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Unreal Engine Forums

Let me know if you have any questions related to this.

Thank you. I will surely try this method.
And yea regarding the issue I found the issue that I copied the file to a wrong folder. The most silly mistake I have ever made.
Anyways thankyou for this method. And yea I can close the topic now :smiley: