Spawn Actors along spline

Can’t you just spawn the actors in the construction script?
I followed these tutorials not long ago and they use SpawnActor too - but admittedly not in the construction script.

I like to make a basic editor tool that places actors evenly along a spline. Like a pearl necklace but the pearls are pickup actors, like for instance a chain of coins. I made the construct blueprint that fires a event in the event graph to spawn the actors along the spline but the SpawnActor node simply does nothing, it only works when run when the game plays. Is this a engine limitation and is there any workaround?

No, it doesn’t even allow me to place any SpawnActor node in the construction script

I’ve looked into it: Ultimately that tutorial does the spawning through C++:
if your class inherits from Actor you can call
But it doesn’t work in the construction script :frowning:

Yea, no editor tool with actors possible then

This won’t work in all circumstances but I used the SpawnActor node inside of the Level Blueprint with a for loop of each of the spline’s points. On the completion of that loop, I used GetAllChildActors and then did a ForEachLoop and DestroyActor to clear them (I still wanted them visible before BeginPlay so I had them generated in the spline’s contruction loop as well).