Applying a Vector to a collided object?

Very quick question. I’m just getting started with Unreal and hoping to create a few simple blueprints now that I’ve run through the tutorial, but it’s still quite overwhelming. Very new to this process. Currently just want to create a simple scene where a ball falls to the ground, lands on a pad, and then the pad applies an upward vector so that the ball is bouncing on this bouncy pad for as long as no other impulse acts upon it to move it away from the pad.

I’ve got the ball falling using gravity (kinematics?)

Any hints or instructions on where to go next? I’ve had success learning how to USE the blueprints, but I have had less so far in putting the lego pieces together.

You actually don’t need to do any blueprint works for this. The physics system can do it all.

Research UE4 Physics materials. Set the ball and the mat to both emulate physics. Place the mat on a floor and the ball in the air.

Create physics materials for both the ball and the mat (they should be different) and apply the physics material inside the material of each object.

As the physics kick in, gravity will drive the ball down and your physics material (with a restitution of more than 1.0) will bounce the ball back up.

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