Protection against decoding, disassembling and debugging?

How much security can we assume when developing online games with UE4 where authenticity of local machine behavior is critical? Does UE4 have any protection against reverse engineering at the moment?


You should be able to include encryption into your game/project. Please review the following [documentation][1], and also look over this [AnswerHub][2].


FAES::EncryptData | Unreal Engine Documentation
[2]: Protect .pak file from Unpack - Platform & Builds - Epic Developer Community Forums

Thank you , do you know if UE4 can detect hardware/software breakpoints and prevent them from changing client behavior at the moment?

I have looked into this and I was unable to find documentation regarding these specific questions. If you were to create a game that had servers, as long as you made important data server side, then that would be harder for someone to manipulate.