Can someone confirm that you can't use destructible components for mobile/GearVR builds?

When I package my project for windows all works fine. But when I try to run it on mobile the destructible meshes don’t work. I’ve seen some old post about destructible meshes not being supported on mobile because of performance issues, is this still the case?

Edit: Jup, its not compatible:
see here

Hello Flabbertiano,

I see that you have found the answer that you are looking for I will pasting the quote from the link provided and marking this issue as resolved. Thank you for your time and information.

Quote from link:

"Why doesn’t my destructible mesh work on mobile?

This is currently not support for mobile devices in any form.

Destructible and Cloth assets depends on APEX to work. There are performance reasons that this must be considered when using. This may be supported in the future, but it is not currently planned.

Instead of relying on APEX for destruction it would be better to author pre-fragmented meshes that you can then switch to them to simulate the same type of effect. It will also have a much lighter processor load. "

Please feel free to check the link given above in the question for future updates.

Make it a great day