Packaged game gives black screen

After packaging game I got black screen.
But if I input “disconnect” to console, I goes to default map.

But Game Default Map, Editor Startup Map and Server Startup Map are equals. What’s wrong?

Oh maaaan :smiley:
I filled these the blanks for maps.a long time ago.
Game modes? Settings of maps in Game mode? More please.

so exactly. Login screen for logging in!

hi Broly, I am not Kakka Carrot Cake.

Anyway, make sure these are filled in with your custom maps/ game modes.

I hope this answers your question.

Also, make sure you rebuild the game.

Hope this is helpful, if you don’t understand, let me know


My man,

You are doing a login screen?

link text

My man, check out my login system before we tackle yours.

I send stuff to the server, but my socket misses first packet.

I see, so when you open game, it should go to login screen, right?

Yes. But I see just black screen.
I placed print functions to BeginPlay of login screen map and game mode. And these prints are not fired after game start.
But if typed command “disconnect” to console, I immediately teleports to right login screen map with right game mode.

In project settings GameMode is specified too.
I think after start application conntects to strange place. But I not understand why it does without my instructions!

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In level blueprint I placed print function, but function is not fired after executable is start, consequently this startup map is not right map (selected in Project Settings).
I adds login widget through the actor in the level, in C++. Print in this actor is not fired too.

Okay, in your level blue print, add your widget. Do you even add a widget to view port?

Okay. My friend Yogi gave an answer for you

Sorry, how is your situation coming along?

Still unclear.
I’m not understand whats difference between launched game in editor and standalone executable… Configs? Maybe specific settings, but editing settings not give me any results


launched in editor just login map is good (see login map with all prints)

launched in editor as Standalone game is bad (black screen withot anything, but settings in Maps and Modes setted correctly)


GetWorld()->GetMapName() gives me “Untitled” string.

Make a new project, make sure maps and modes are filled in :stuck_out_tongue: xz

I used next hack in GameInstance::Init method and it helps me…

	UGameplayStatics::OpenLevel(GetWorld(), "LoginMap");

But it’s not good I think… lol

Oh god, you are doing it in CPP :stuck_out_tongue:

Does this actually work?

I would have recommended doing the easy things in blue prints, since it’s faster and dirtier :P.

But fair play if you’ve got it to work. So in the Init method, you just open up this map.

You see, I tend to tell my level blue print to open up the map in the game instance. But if it works, it works.

@broly I hope the staff don’t mind we are going off topic. If you are using a third party software, then be careful. I manage to connect to my C# server, and send login info. It works.

When my friend connects from a remote location, my server sends the packet, but he does not get, then disconnects.

It works locally on my computer, I.E I can open up 5 instances of the game, and connect to Server and login with different accounts. But! when I connect to the server on the same LAN, with my laptop, which has the IP, It can successfully connect to the server which is on, but when It has troubles getting packets from server. There should be no lag, since it’s local right.

if I understood correctly, your friend try to connect to your third party server and server get connection from your frind and send response, but you friend dont get it?
So also when you try to connect to your third party server you have got problems with packet

If I host the server on my PC, and run the client on my PC then I can connect, and the game + server are perfect.

If I run the host on my PC, and access it from my laptop, then I miss a packet, and lose connection.

I guess Are you using TCP? I have yet one question))
What IP the server listens to? I mean something like or outer IP like