Using UPROPERTY( Meta = (DisplayName = "something") makes property _disappear_

Someone posted this in one of my wiki tutorials

I tried it

it caused my BP properties to disappear from the default properties list!

I had to rename the category to get my property back.

Simply removing the meta that caused the problem was not sufficient

I am talking about:

Meta = (DisplayName = "~Fancy Color of Cat Box~")

#Wiki Text I Removed After This Bug Experience

By default Unreal Header Tool pick name of variable in code as property, but you can change it by using Display Name metadata!

UPROPERTY(EditDefaultsOnly, BlueprintReadWrite, Meta = (DisplayName = "~Fancy Color of Cat Box~") Category = "My Happy Category")


The above UPROPERTY() code compiles but causes a project-breaking bug of the properties not appearing in BP.


add this

Meta = (DisplayName = "~Fancy Color of Cat Box~")

to any of your UPROPERTY() vars that are exposed and editable in BP defaults

after compile in C++ see if the var shows up in BP defaults still!

#Permanent Consequences

As a permanent consequence of EVER having compiled the above code. I have had to permanently change the category name to something new so that my property will show up!

#This is project Breaking Bug

I hope Epic can address this bug.

I added it ; p i test it and it worked for me maybe those ~ messed up as i didnt tried that

Hi . I have attempted to reproduce the issue that you described, and have so far been unsuccessful at making a test variable disappear from the Blueprint Defaults tab. What version of the Editor are you using currently? If possible, would you be able to try reproducing the issue with a brand new project using one of the templates? If you can get it to happen again, please let me know what template you used, what file you were editing, and exactly how you edited it.


Thanks for the response and !

If I see this again or have time to reproduce I will update this :slight_smile: (or start a new post if you want to close this)